Allied Plant

Client Name
Allied Plant
Lease Advisory, Business Rates
Property Type
Industrials, Warehouses

Allied Plant are a family business based in Castleford and provide professional services to construction and civil engineering companies. They specialise in a variety of services from aggregate supplies to excavation, recycling to plant hire.

We have been instructed by Allied Plant to advise on both Lease Advisory and Business Rates matters. 

Business Rates

Business Rates Appeals

We provided our recommendations on the valuation of our clients property which had been carried out using the contractors method (i.e. arriving at an estimation of rental value by reference to costs). 

After negotiations with the Valuation Office Agency we successfully achieved a circa 20% reduction in our client's 2017 Rateable Value. 

Lease Advisory

Lease Extension and Lease Renewal

In addition to providing our recommendations on our client's business rates liability we also advised on a 2019 lease extension and 2023 lease renewal. 

This included our opinion on the market value of the subject property followed by negotiations over the rental value and lease terms.